Talking about your finances is tough, I get it. Money symbolizes different things to different people and can be a touchy subject. Like any other hot-button issue, it's best to just get it out there and deal with it. No one can read your mind! If you've ever dealt with a loved-one's money troubles you know how awkward it all can be. But, it's not the end of the world!
Money Mistake: Not being open about your financial past.
How do you fix it? Talk to each other openly and honestly. Growing up I listened to my parents fight about money constantly, it drove me nuts. It also made me afraid of money and made me think we were struggling when really it was just poor management. I knew that I would never, ever want to deal with that in my own adult life. I talked to my boyfriend (now husband) about it and he understood my need to feel secure. Now we save accordingly. Maybe your thing is that you have a rough history with credit and owe more than you can pay. If you don't speak up they'll never know. Until, you know, you go to buy a house and can't get a decent rate. And then you'll wish you would have said something sooner. Just open up and get it out there. If your partner can't deal with it and faults you for it, then that's a whole other issue. The best thing you can be is honest.
Money Mistake: Not sorting out the details.
How do you fix it? Again, talk to each other openly. I know a few couples who keep their finances entirely separate - they even split the check at restaurants! If that's what you want to do to keep you sane, fine, but talk about it first so you partner isn't thinking "wtf is this cheapo doing?" when the bill comes. If you think that because you make less money that you should pay a smaller portion of the rent then speak up! The devil's in the details. Don't let resentment build over something that a quick chat could have fixed.
Money Mistake: Not working towards a specific goal.
How do you fix it? Guess. Figure out what you each would like to accomplish and compare your lists. Come up with a short-term goal that suits both of you and work on it. You're in this together! Don't talk about it, be about it. And now that you know each other's history it might make you appreciate the other's ambitions a bit more.
This could be you!
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