Step 6: When you have your money taken right from your checking account to your savings account you won't believe how easy it is to save! Just look at that cat's face. That could be you. If you don't already have an automatic savings plan in place then do it right now. Open a savings account online, in person, or over the phone. Get a prepaid card and load it up (but watch those fees!). If you have an irregular or tip-based income then commit to stashing a certain percentage away when you get yours. Just do it, there is no other way to save money than to save money. Sorry. It's the truth. Just treat it like a bill and do it.
Step 7: Do a little check in on your credit. If you haven't already accessed it this year, then head over to the federal credit reporting site and get your free copy. Make sure everything is in order and up today. If it isn't, there are some steps HERE to take to correct your report. While you're at it, check your credit score. There are many free reputable sites available, but chances are that your credit card company has a link on their site. Personally, I use Credit Karma.
Step 8: Just like in AA, your eighth step is all about clearing your name and helping others to do the same. If you owe anyone money now is the time to make a plan to pay them back. Likewise, if others owe you money then by all means contact them and make a payment plan. We've all been there, it's a tough talk but worthwhile.
Step 9: Look around your house, purse, wallet, car, desk drawer, underwear drawer, wherever you put things and collect all of the following: unused gift cards, cards with a tiny balance, clothes you need to return, items you meant to consign, and anything else that is of value. Now go do the thing! Spend the gift cards wisely on something you actually need. Return the items for things of use. Sell your unwanted items. It's a magic trick - turn your old jeans into burritos! All of these things you will do someday are due. Today is the day. Get it done and reap the rewards.
Step 10: Tidy up! Now that you've got all your bills in one place and you've cleared out the excess gift card stash in your wallet or purse, things should be a bit easier to manage. Clean out the old receipts, file what you need to file (thanks to step 4, now you have a dedicated space), and toss what you don't. Ideally at this point you will see a huge improvement in your operations and want to keep things tidy. Doesn't that sound nice?
That's it, you're all done!
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