Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Mind On Your Money Has Moved!

Mind On Your Money has a new home:

Money Myth: Investing Is Hard

There are lots of ways to invest and you don't even have to dress like this to do it. Your retirement plan, your basic savings account, and rainy day fund are all investments (but not your beanie babies).

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Budgeting With An Irregular Income

Whether you work in a tip-based or a hustle-based profession, unpredictable income is a pain in the butt. Should you still budget? Can you still budget? Of course! It's so easy to get stuck in a cycle of paying off your debt when you're flush and relying on credit cards when you're broke. A budget will help you with that. But first, you have to get real.

Not that real

Monday, May 9, 2016

Menu Monday

I AM SO HAPPY THERE IS AN ALDI BY ME NOW. Shopping here in LA has been a challenge, with me going to three stores to stay under budget. It wasn't that big of a deal, but now that's it's over omg I am so excited. My first trip there was the day after we got back from a weekend away. We had no food, I had no plan, and I was hungry. All the big shopping no-no's. I bought whatever I remembered buying in Pittsburgh along with 3 bottles of wine, and a venus fly trap. And I still spent $30 less than usual! All hail Aldi. 

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Friday, May 6, 2016

Earn $10 In 5 Minutes

There was a time in my life when I couponed hard. Free toothpaste for days! A couch built from boxes of 25 cent kitty litter! An avalanche of granola bars every time you opened the cabinet! I had it all. Then...I don't know. My priorities certainly haven't shifted, but maybe my time is more valuable now? Also, I started shopping at Aldi and they don't take coupons. Whatever happened, it happened.

If you are interested in saving money but don't want to pore over a Sunday paper, what are you supposed to do? There's gotta be a better way.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Get Your Plan Together

Hands down, my most popular post so far is Menu Planning Basics. Are you a planner? You should be! You will save money and time, you won't stress about what to cook during the dinner rush hour, and you'll waste less food. You can do this.

To see a full list of every menu plan I've made, CLICK HERE. There are tons of cute planners and shopping lists on my Pinterest Page, check them out! You will not regret it.